Package 'edstan'

Title: Stan Models for Item Response Theory
Description: Provides convenience functions and pre-programmed Stan models related to item response theory. Its purpose is to make fitting common item response theory models using Stan easy.
Authors: Daniel C. Furr
Maintainer: Daniel C. Furr <[email protected]>
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Version: 1.0.7
Built: 2025-03-07 00:18:45 UTC

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Stan for item response theory


edstan attempts to make easy the fitting of standard item response theory models using rstan.


A user will generally want to use the following functions (in order) to fit a model:

  1. irt_data to format the data,

  2. irt_stan to fit a model, and

  3. print_irt_stan to view some results.

Additionally, labelled_integer is some times helpful for data formatting and stan_columns_plot creates a plots of convergence and other statistics by parameter vector. The package also includes six Stan models (see irt_stan for a list) and two example datasets (aggression and spelling).

It is expected that once a user is comfortable fitting pre-defined edstan models, they will write their own Stan models and fit them with stan, for which irt_stan is a wrapper.

See Also

Case studies for each of the edstan models have been published.

Rasch and two-parameter logistic models

(Generalized) partial credit model

(Generalized) rating scale model

Verbal aggression data


Item response data regarding verbal agression from 316 persons and 24 items. Participants were instructed to imagine four frustrating scenarios in which either another or oneself is to blame. For each scenario, they responded "yes", "perhaps", or "no" regarding whether they would react by cursing, scolding, and shouting. They also responded whether they would want to engage in those three behaviors, resulting in a total six items per scenario. An example item is, "A bus fails to stop for me. I would want to curse."




A long-form data.frame (one row per item response) with the following columns:


Integer person identifier.


Integer item identifier.


Original, polytomous response. 0 indicates "no", 1 "perhaps", and 3 "yes".


Dichotomized response. 0 indicates "no" and 1 indicates "perhaps" or "yes".


Brief description of the item.


Trait anger score for a person.


Indicator for whether person is male.


Indicator for whether item concerns actually doing the behavior instead of wanting to do it.


Indicator for whether item concerns another person being to blame instead of self to blame.


Indicator for whether item concerns scolding behavior instead of cursing or shouting.


Indicator for whether item concerns shouting behavior instead of cursing or scolding.


Vansteelandt, K. (2000). Formal models for contextualized personality psychology. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. K. U. Leuven, Belgium.


De Boeck, P. and Wilson, M. (2004) Explanatory Item Response Models. New York: Springer.

Create a Stan data list from an item response matrix or from long-form data.


Create a Stan data list from an item response matrix or from long-form data.


irt_data(response_matrix = matrix(), y = integer(), ii = integer(),
  jj = integer(), covariates = data.frame(), formula = ~1)



An item response matrix. Columns represent items and rows represent persons. NA may be supplied for missing responses. The lowest score for each item should be 0, with exception to rating scale models. y, ii, and jj should not be supplied if a response matrix is given.


A vector of scored responses for long-form data. The lowest score for each item should be 0, with exception to rating scale models. NAs are not permitted, but missing responses may simply be ommitted instead. Required if response_matrix is not supplied.


A vector indexing the items in y. This must consist of consecutive integers starting at 1. labelled_integer may be used to create a suitable vector. Required if response_matrix is not supplied.


A vector indexing the persons in y. This must consist of consecutive integers starting at 1. labelled_integer may be used to create a suitable vector. Required if response_matrix is not supplied.


An optional data frame containing (only) person-covariates. It must contain one row per person or be of the same length as y, ii, and jj. If it contains one row per person, it must be in the same order as the response matrix (or unique(jj)). If it has a number of columns equal to the length of y, ii, and jj, it must be in the same order as jj (for example, it may be a subset of columns from the same data frame that contains y, ii, and jj).


An optional formula for the latent regression that is applied to covariates. The left side should be blank (for example, ~ v1 + v2). By default it includes only a model intercept, interpretable as the mean of the person distribution. If set to NULL, then covariates is used directly as the design matrix for the latent regression.


A data list suitable for irt_stan.

See Also

See labelled_integer for a means of creating appropriate inputs for ii and jj. See irt_stan to fit a model to the data list.


# For a response matrix ("wide-form" data) with person covariates:
spelling_list <- irt_data(response_matrix = spelling[, 2:5],
                          covariates = spelling[, "male", drop = FALSE],
                          formula = ~ 1 + male)

# Alternatively, the same may be created by:
W <- cbind(intercept = 1, spelling[, "male"])
spelling_list <- irt_data(response_matrix = spelling[, 2:5],
                          covariates = W,
                          formula = NULL)

# For long-form data (one row per item-person pair):
agg_list_1 <- irt_data(y = aggression$poly,
                       ii = aggression$item,
                       jj = aggression$person)

# Add a latent regression and use labelled_integer() with the items
agg_list_2 <- irt_data(y = aggression$poly,
                       ii = labelled_integer(aggression$description),
                       jj = aggression$person,
                       covariates = aggression[, c("male", "anger")],
                       formula = ~ 1 + male*anger)

Estimate an item response model with Stan


Estimate an item response model with Stan


irt_stan(data_list, model = "", ...)



A Stan data list created with irt_data.


The file name for one of the provided .stan files, or alternatively, a user-created .stan file that accepts data_list as input data. The ".stan" file extension may be omitted. Defaults to either "rasch_latent_reg.stan" or "pcm_latent_reg.stan".


Additional options passed to stan. The usual choices are iter for the number of iterations and chains for the number of chains.


The following table lists the models inlcuded in edstan along with the associated .stan files. The file names are given as the model argument.

Model File
Rasch rasch_latent_reg.stan
Partial credit pcm_latent_reg.stan
Rating Scale rsm_latent_reg.stan
Two-parameter logistic 2pl_latent_reg.stan
Generalized partial credit gpcm_latent_reg.stan
Generalized rating Scale grsm_latent_reg.stan

Three simplified models are also available: rasch_simple.stan, pcm_simple.stan, rsm_simple.stan. These are (respectively) the Rasch, partial credit, and rating scale models omitting the latent regression. There is no reason to use these instead of the models listed above, given that the above models allow for rather than require the inclusion of covariates for a latent regression. Instead, the purpose of the simplified models is to provide a straightforward starting point researchers who wish to craft their own Stan models.


A stanfit-class object.

See Also

See stan, for which this function is a wrapper, for additional options. See irt_data and labelled_integer for functions that facilitate creating a suitable data_list. See print_irt_stan and print.stanfit for ways of getting tables summarizing parameter posteriors.


# List the Stan models included in edstan
folder <- system.file("extdata", package = "edstan")
dir(folder, "\\.stan$")

# List the contents of one of the .stan files
rasch_file <- system.file("extdata/rasch_latent_reg.stan",
                          package = "edstan")
cat(readLines(rasch_file), sep = "\n")

## Not run: 
# Fit the Rasch and 2PL models on wide-form data with a latent regression

spelling_list <- irt_data(response_matrix = spelling[, 2:5],
                          covariates = spelling[, "male", drop = FALSE],
                          formula = ~ 1 + male)

rasch_fit <- irt_stan(spelling_list, iter = 300, chains = 4)
print_irt_stan(rasch_fit, spelling_list)

twopl_fit <- irt_stan(spelling_list, model = "2pl_latent_reg.stan",
                      iter = 300, chains = 4)
print_irt_stan(twopl_fit, spelling_list)

# Fit the rating scale and partial credit models without a latent regression

agg_list_1 <- irt_data(y = aggression$poly,
                       ii = labelled_integer(aggression$description),
                       jj = aggression$person)

fit_rsm <- irt_stan(agg_list_1, model = "rsm_latent_reg.stan",
                    iter = 300, chains = 4)
print_irt_stan(fit_rsm, agg_list_1)

fit_pcm <- irt_stan(agg_list_1, model = "pcm_latent_reg.stan",
                    iter = 300, chains = 4)
print_irt_stan(fit_pcm, agg_list_1)

# Fit the generalized rating scale and partial credit models including
# a latent regression

agg_list_2 <- irt_data(y = aggression$poly,
                       ii = labelled_integer(aggression$description),
                       jj = aggression$person,
                       covariates = aggression[, c("male", "anger")],
                       formula = ~ 1 + male*anger)

fit_grsm <- irt_stan(agg_list_2, model = "grsm_latent_reg.stan",
                     iter = 300, chains = 4)
print_irt_stan(fit_grsm, agg_list_2)

fit_gpcm <- irt_stan(agg_list_2, model = "gpcm_latent_reg.stan",
                     iter = 300, chains = 4)
print_irt_stan(fit_grsm, agg_list_2)

## End(Not run)

Transform a vector into consecutive integers


Transform a vector into consecutive integers


labelled_integer(x = vector())



A vector, which may be numeric, string, or factor.


A vector of integers corresponding to entries in x. The lowest value will be 1, and the greatest value will equal the number of unique elements in x. The elements of the recoded vector are named according to the original values of x. The result is suitable for the ii and jj options for irt_data.


x <- c("owl", "cat", "pony", "cat")

y <- as.factor(x)

z <- rep(c(22, 57, 13), times = 2)

Spelling data


Item response data regarding student spelling performance on four words: infidelity, panoramic, succumb, and girder. The sample includes 284 male and 374 female undergraduate students from the University of Kansas. Each item was scored as either correct or incorrect.




A wide-form data.frame (one row per person) with the following columns:


Indicator for whether person is male.


Indicator for whether person spelled infidelity correctly.


Indicator for whether person spelled panoramic correctly.


Indicator for whether person spelled succumb correctly.


Indicator for whether person spelled girder correctly.


Thissen, D., Steinberg, L. and Wainer, H. (1993). Detection of Differential Item Functioning Using the Parameters of Item Response Models. In Differential Item Functioning, edited by Holland. P. and Wainer, H., 67-114. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

View a plot of summary statistics after using irt_stan


View a plot of summary statistics after using irt_stan


stan_columns_plot(fit, stat = "Rhat", ...)



A stanfit-class object created by irt_stan or stan.


A string for the statistic from the summary method for a stanfit object to plot. The default is "Rhat" but could, for example, be "mean" or "n_eff".


Additional options (such as pars or use_cache), passed to the summary method for a stanfit object. Not required.


A ggplot object.

See Also

See stan_rhat, which provides a histogram of Rhat statistics.


# Make a suitable data list:
spelling_list <- irt_data(response_matrix = spelling[, 2:5],
                          covariates = spelling[, "male", drop = FALSE],
                          formula = ~ 1 + male)

## Not run: 
# Fit a latent regression  2PL
twopl_fit <- irt_stan(spelling_list, model = "2pl_latent_reg.stan",
                      iter = 300, chains = 4)

# Get a plot showing Rhat statistics

# Get a plot showing number of effective draws
rhat_columns(twopl_fit, stat = "n_eff")

## End(Not run)